Problem Set Submissions

We are creating repositories for everyone at Additionally, homeworks still need to be submitted as PDFs on Gradescope.


  1. Log into using your Berkeley credentials. Because of how the system works, you will need to log in before your account is created. Nothing else needs to be done, just log in and log out.

  2. After accounts are created (may take a couple days after first login), when you log in again, you should see one private repository listed on the left side (e.g., stat243-fall-2022/ahv36). This is your class repository. Do not change the repository settings! They are set up for this class.

  3. Clone the repo to your home directory (I would clone it into a directory just for repositories (e.g., I use ~/repos). In the top-level of your working directory, you should create a file named (exactly) .gitignore.

The .gitignore file causes Git to ignore transient or computer-specific files that R/RStudio generates. (more info at In it, put (again, don’t put dashed lines):

# History files

# Session Data files

# Example code in package build process

# Output files from R CMD build

# Output files from R CMD check

# RStudio files

# produced vignettes

# OAuth2 token, see

# knitr and R markdown default cache directories

# Temporary files created by R markdown

# Shiny token, see

Repository Organization

The problem sets in your repository should be organized into folders with specific filenames.
When we pull from your repository, our code will be assuming the following structure:

├── ps1/
   ├── ps1.pdf
   ├── ps1.Rmd # or .Rtex, .rnw, .lyx, .tex, .R
├── ps2/
   ├── ...
├── ...
├── ps8/
├── .gitignore
└── info.json

The file names are case-sensitive, so please keep everything lowercase.